Dry Sake Pack $170 (720ml x 3 bottles)


This is a collection of 3 Dry taste sake.

Wakakoma Kirekoma 720ml - This sake is from a small brewery (family owned for generations) in Tochigi prefecture in Japan. Clean dry taste.

Homarekokko 720ml - Established in 1906, this sake is from Gunma prefecture in Japan. This dry taste goes well with Sushi and Sashimi.

Sanrensen Jyunmai 720ml - Coming from Shiga prefecture, this sake brewery has 100+ years history of sake making. The current owner is the forth generation in the family business. Paying the respects for previous 3 generations, he named this sake Sanrensen (“3 consecutive stars” ) It has a light dry taste. Easy to drink.

Delivery is available in NSW and VIC only and the following shipping fees will be added per order.

  • Sydney Metropolitan area $8 per order (1-2 business days)

  • NSW $13 per order (2-3 business days)

  • VIC $20 per order (3-8 business days)

Please fill in the following form. Sake needs to be kept refrigerated and needs to be delivered to your hand directly. After submission of this form, we will contact you shortly to confirm the delivery date/time and send you the online payment link (Credit card only).